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Career Development Tips

Crew Window | | Jun 21, 2023

We Place Hospitality Professionals

When you want to develop your careåer, what you should do is have a positive attitude and an open mindset, adapt to your new environment by absorbing information every day.  Actively learn new skills and look to complete your work on time and help colleagues when they need assistance. Volunteer for additional tasks if requested by your supervisor, respect your co-workers and superiors, and comply with all company rules & regulations. Take over responsibilities when needed and show your boss that you have the skills and motivation to move into a more senior position. Hard work and dedication will pay off. There are several factors that influence an individual's career development efforts:

1.     Personal characteristics

Personality, interests, aptitudes and work-related values determine a person's career development decisions. If a person is ambitious and self-confident, they will not hesitate to make tough decisions. They will also not be afraid of uncomfortable situations. If he is a shy person with poor communication skills, he will choose a safe job. From the start he will choose a job that does not require him to deal with large audiences.

2.     Age

Age affects an individual's career development. For example, female workers tend to take age into account when developing their careers. If she is over 30, married and has a baby, she will think twice before taking the opportunity to continue her studies or take on new, more challenging responsibilities. This is because the burden of housework and childcare still falls on women. Female workers aged 30 and over are more likely than men to consider the age factor when making career-related decisions.

3.     Financial capability

Financial stability is one of the factors that influences a person's career development. Improving your skills costs money. Intensive online courses, a master's degree or certifications obviously cost a lot of money. Some employees manage to get around this by taking up scholarships. However, there are also employees who cannot afford to take courses to develop soft and hard skills due to limited financial resources. As they prioritise other commitments, the potential for career development needs to be prioritised.

4.     Physical, mental and emotional conditions

These three conditions have a major impact on an individual's career development. For example, a 50-year-old technician who is not physically fit will think twice about accepting a more challenging job offer. Another example is someone who has had ADHD since childhood, and whose job requires punctuality and high accuracy, so he has to be smart about how to manage himself so that the ADHD trait does not interfere with his work and studies.